Kings Point Amateur Radio Club

KPARC an Amateur Radio Club brings together all levels of ham radio operators from newcomers & veterans to share in the enjoyment of ham radio and provide the area with emergency communications in time of need.

Do you have an interest in Amateur (ham) Radio and want to know more? Stop by the KPARC Ham Radio Club and chat with us! The club room is open every Thursday and Saturday mornings from 9 AM until 11 AM. If and when you’re ready to become a ham we hold regular classes and exam sessions. Are you already a licensed ham and new to the area? Stop by the club and chat with us about joining. We are an active group of hams!

Club meetings are open to all members of the public, whether they are licensed operators or not. While we must conduct club business at each meeting, we also provide at least one presentation which may cover a variety of topics related to amateur radio, general electronics, computers, emergency services, or personal development.

Disaster Radio Service Program

Kings Point Amateur Radio Club is sponsoring this community-wide emergency assistance program.  Presentations will be offered at community association meetings. Click here for more information.

KPARC Amateur Radio ShackShop

Kings Point Amateur Radio Club Inc. is pleased to provide this convenient online shop focusing on the needs of the Ham radio operator. Visit the new ShackShop HERE.

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Register for a Testing Session

You can register for a testing session here – “Schedule Your Test“.  We also provide a wealth of information in the licensing section of our website including mentoring, online training and video lectures.

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