Meeting was called to order at 8:30 am using the Webex video conferencing application. All attendees logged in remotely. Attendees include: W0QF/Joe, KI5US/Keith, W4NWD/Dick, KM4WMC/Dennis, KX4RP/Jeff, K4DGG/Doug
Old Business
- DRS – Disaster Radio Service
- FRS User sign-up and radio sales – Doug/K4DGG – several new users have been added since the last meeting.
- FRS testing/deployment status – (Dick/W4NWD, Keith/KI5US) – testing is going well and Dick and Keith plotting coverage maps for listening stations.
- Public-facing DRS (Disaster Radio Service) webpage – Eric/WA4EMN will take content provided by Dick/W4NWD on technical aspects of DRS along with information for new users and static information on the weekly test network. Keith and Eric both feel producing some youtube videos that show how the FRS radios are used in the DRS system would be worthwhile. They will follow up.
- Continued publicity – Joe/W0QF and Dick/W4NWD – flyers have been distributed to HOA presidents and is being presented on the Wheel.
- FRS database access for listening stations – Eric/WA4EMN is continuing to work on the database that supports both FRS users and GMRS listing stations. It now shows the distance and angle of each station from the control station (logged in user). This database is only available to club members.
- Listening stations – email distribution list – Doug/K4DGG – has been created and should be used for things like test net traffic reports
- Club policy for listening stations – Dick/W4NWD – Dick has received some comments and has pretty much completed the write-up. He will submit it to Eric to be posted on the website.
- Club or member liability – Dick/W4NWD Joe/W0QF – Dick reports the general console for First Services has recently been replaced and he needs to introduce himself to the new person to see if we need to be concerned about liability. Jeff asked if we need to be concerned about “Errors and Omissions”. Dick said he would ask about that as well. Keith/KI5US asked about ARRL insurance and Dick said he thought that was mostly for coverage of equipment and not liability.
- Logging program that would not require Internet – Eric/WA4EMN – the database will eventually be downloadable as a CSV which will allow members to have an offline copy of the database.
- PSOC & KPARC agreements documentation – Bill/N1CDO – Joe/W0QF – no new information has been received. We’ll leave this item as open.
- SCC CERT followup – Bill/N1CDO – Bill feels the county is no longer as supportive as it used to be.
- Power-out readiness drill – assignments/responsibilities – Keith/KI5US – the group feels this is worth of an independent meeting focused on tasks Keith has identified in his Gantt chart. We decided to meet in the virtual club room next Wednesday (4/29) at 11 am to discuss the tasks and identify materials that would be needed for the test.
- Vulnerable antennas backup plan – Joe/W0QF and Dick/W4NWD – nothing new to report. This item will remain open.
New Business
- What do we do if the club room or resources aren’t available in an actual emergency?
- Do we need a plan?
- If so who, what, when
- We have the EP profiles, should we develop some scenarios
- Should we self deploy, like CERT
The group sees this as a very important component of the EPC and worthy of a special meeting. It was decided the group will meet again next Saturday (5/02/20) at 8:30 am in the virtual club room to tackle the issues associated with this kind of scenario. Everyone should consider what we should plan for giving a worst case where repeaters are not available.
- Meeting was adjourned at 9:35 am.
- Next regular EPC meeting – 5/30/20 – venue TBD