Emergency Preparedness Meeting
Notes from the meeting of October 26, 2019

  • Radio Room Operations (Eric)
    • Stations available to external organizations
    • Qualifications requirements for external organizations
    • Priority access to operating stations
    • Staffing and noise restrictions during operations
    • Break and conference room requirements
  • Operations Readiness (Eric)
    • Stable environment vs Hobby environment
    • Administrative burden vs open use
    • Use policy and enforcement
  • Commitment to community and HC (Dick/Doug)
    • Backup for PSOC
    • Backup for SCCARC
    • Digital
      • General consensus was reached in that we need to:
        • Understand and prioritize our mission
        • Define and document our commitments
        • Establish MOUs (Memorandum of Understanding with external organization that we depend upon or who may depend upon us
        • Identify resources we don’t have to accomplish our goals
      • We currently don’t have any documentation or formal relationships with other groups.
      • We have been basing our plans mostly on assumptions
      • We need to develop standard procedures for operations of the workstations
      • The EPC will make recommendations to the KPARC Board of Directors which will make final commitments for the club.
      • Keith volunteered to aggregate and document the thoughts committee members have regarding our mission goals. Please send your thoughts on club mission and vision to Keith.
  • FRS testing status – plans, schedule (Keith/Dick)
    • Keith and Dick related their experience meeting with the KP Emergency Committee
    • They came away believing there was enthusiastic buyin to the FRS plan 
    • We need to have a plan developed and ready for presentation to all KP HOAs by the end of January
    • A formal presentation for all KP HOAs is planned for February 28, 2020
  • Member emergency profile – status, considerations, plans (Eric/Dick)
    • Eric reported we have over 30 profiles submitted which is better then 25% of our membership. This seems to be a success
  • Testing committee – status (Hud)
    • Keith reported for Hud – subcommittee has set a testing schedule as follows:
    • The committee suggests the following as an ongoing series of testing events. Testing would occur 4 times a year. Once each quarter…specifically the first Saturday of the month of March, June, September, December. The substance of which would be…
      • MARCH: 
        • Testing generator, 
        • using your email of 8/20-Analysis/Summary, identify/gather together all the particular pieces needed for a full activation…I counted 12. 
        • Decide what pieces can stay in common usage and what needs to be put together in a To Go Kit. The purpose of this exercise is prevent us from running around looking for things for the full activation in June…the beginning of Hurricane season. We will know what is needed and where everything is. 
      • JUNE: Testing full activation starting with Safety Officer observing and taking notes as well as other observers (#?) also taking notes. A Hot Wash to occur directly after the exercise. 
      • SEPTEMBER: 
        • Test generator 
        • Using the evaluation of the Hot Wash of the June exercise, review and practice the areas that we performed poorly. 
      • DECEMBER: A Tabletop exercise or similar activity for 12/20 which would attempt to include the whole community. Planning to begin in 5/20 perhaps as Part 2 of the Disaster Services Council Event. Your thoughts…
  • Next meeting – 11/30/19
















Doug (K4DGG)

By Doug (K4DGG)

Retired from the National Science Foundation in DC in 2006 and moved to Sun City Center. Became a ham a few years later.