Emergency Preparedness Meeting
Jan 30, 2021
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 AM with the following members present: K4DGG/Doug, WA4EMN/Eric, WA9OXB/John, W4NWD/Dick, W0QF/Joe, N2MEO/Dan, KM4WMC/Dennis, N1UCO/Bob
- Eric/WA4EMN reports 18 EP profiles have been updated. Eric is working on a “nag” to encourage everyone to complete their profile.
- Eric/WA4EMN will also look at a capability to see who is not active on the website
- Dick/W4NWD reported on the status of the antenna and feedline project. All is going well, a lot of progress was made yesterday. The next step is to analyze and document SWR on the antennas. Jim/K2PLC is working on the shack 12v system.
- Dick/W4NWD reported on progress made to install new UHF/VHF radio to support Winlink using the same SGC Modem and computer used by Winklink HF.
- Dick/W4NWD will work with Joe/W0QF to develop a flowchart or diagram of club message passing capabilities including both hardware and software supported and preferred.
- Eric/WA4EMN will work on a standard for club RTTY compatible message passing modes and frequencies
- Doug/K4DGG brought up Keith/KI5US suggestion that we have a day and time dedicated for message passing testing. It can be ad-hoc or coordinated. All present thought this is a good idea and we settled on Monday at 4 pm with an hour limit. Doug will send a message to SCC-Digital to see if there are any comments, suggestions or problems with this.
- Joe/W0QF says we are down to about 5 FRS radios and we’ve dropped below our threshold for purchasing more radios to have in stock. Joe will ask Bill/N1CDO to order 20 more radios.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:26 am. The next EPC meeting will be held on February 27, 2021, at 8:30 am.
Respectfully submitted,