KPARC Repeaters

Kings Point Amateur Radio Club  Operates several analog and digital repeaters, which are available throughout southern Hillsborough County. These repeaters are used by several disaster support associations including the Hillsborough County ARES/RACES,  Central Florida Disaster Recovery group,  southern Hillsborough County CERT and others. We welcome all licensed amateurs to use these resources when not occupied with traffic or nets from the above groups.

D*Star – KPARC Operates ID-RP2010V (2m)  and ID-RP4010V (70cm) third generation D-STAR repeaters arrives with more features, power, and support to communicate the amateur world. Internet or optional LTE connection, communicate globally. 

P25 – KPARC Operates 3 QUANTAR™ Base Station/Repeater in VHF, UHF, and 900 MHz.  With unmatched flexibility in a compact design, are configured for Analog and ASTRO 25 in all bands VHF, UHF and 900Mhz.

CallsignRX FrequencyTX OffsetRX PL ToneTX PL ToneNACAnalogD*StarP25
W4KPR145.4500-0.600 Mhz162.2162.2293x x
W4KPR442.4500+5Mhz162.2162.2293x x
W4KPR927.0125-25Mhz162.2162.2293x x
W4KPR927.3225-25Mhz162.2162.2293x x
W1SCC B442.2250+5Mhz  x 
W1SCC C147.2625+0.600 Mhz  x