Your Testing session registration has been sent …

Thank you, your testing session registration has been
sent, you will hear from the VEC shortly to confirm.

Before you come to Testing Session

You must have and FRN: The FRN is a unique identifying number that may be initially obtained over the Internet through the Commission Registration System (CORES).  The FRN will be used by all Commission financial, authorization of service, and enforcement systems including Amateur Radio applications. CORES will continue to be the central repository for basic licensee information.

Click here to register for an FRN

What information do I need to provide to get an FCC Registration Number (FRN)?

      • Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). For individuals this is a Social Security Number and for businesses this is an Employer Identification Number
      • The name of the individual or business
      • Type of business
      • Contact information
      • Password: A password must be at least 6 characters and must include three of the four character types: (Don’t forget to make note of your password)
        • Uppercase letters (A, B, C, etc.)
        • Lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc.)
        • Special characters (~, !, @, etc.)
        • Numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.)
      • Personal Security Question (PSQ) and answer: Your PSQ and answer is not case-sensitive.

You must complete the 605 Form:  Please ensure you electronically complete the attached FCC Form 605 and bring the complete printed version with you to the exam session. To ensure legibility, please complete this form on your computer rather than by hand.

DO NOT SIGN AHEAD OF TIME – You must sign and date this
document at the testing site, witnessed by the VEC.

Bring a printed & completed but unsigned 605 with you.

Click here to download FCC Form 605 !