Joe Flack – W0QF- President
First Licensed: 50’s
Amateur Radio Associations: VE, ARES, CERT
Interest in Amateur Radio: I like talking with people overseas and volunteering for Emergency Services.
Eric Nisenfeld – WA4EMN – Vice President
First Licensed: 2017
Amateur Radio Associations: ARRL, ARES, SkyWarn
Interest in Amateur Radio:All things digital, QRP, POTA and eComs
Don Vlack –K2DV – Director
First Licensed: 1990
Amaterur Radio Associations: ARRL, VE, Antique Wireless Association Volunteer
Interest in Amateur Radio: I have been a member of the ARRL before I was a ham. I am still fascinated by the magic of being able to communicate with my own equipment and a wire.
Tom Grace – KQ4BMT – Secretary
Dick Bishop – W4NWD – Past President
First Licensed:1960
Military Service: Air force ROTC for 4 years
Amateur Radio Associations: ARRL VE
Interest in Amateur Radio: My dad and I repaired radios and TVs while I was in high school. He and I wanted ham licenses to stay in contact while I was in College