The painters and carpet layers are due to start on Friday of this week. So the club room tables and equipment is being moved into the room next door. As a result the following equipment is offline and will not be available until the painting and carpeting are completed. Hopefully we’ll be able to put things back early next week.

Off-line include:
  • W4KPR Echolink
  • APRS
  • Weather Station
  • W1SCC D-STAR Gateway (repeater remains operational)
  • W1SCC DRATS Ratflector
  • KPARC Steaming server
Eric (WA4EMN)

By Eric (WA4EMN)

I've been a licensed amateur radio operator since November 2017 when my wife and I relocated to the Sun City Ctr., Florida area. my interests lie in digital voice as well as VHF, UHF, and HF analog radio.